Ruined Banquet

by Lee Maelzer

Lee Maelzer - Ruined Banquet
The idea of sifting through rubble to find treasure, beauty or meaning, acknowledging the psychological weight of places and objects. The crispness and breakdown of images and the notion of archiving things and places generally deemed redundant.
In terms of the rendering, there is great care. The desire to paint a used tissue with the tenderness of Chardin, a derelict room like Vermeer…
The surface of the pictures however, is allowed to have elements of what is being de-scribed, thick with dust, lead paint and disruptions, gauzy pastel layers and flooded trans-lucent patches.
They are informed by the contemporary world and laden with references to their photo-graphic sources and objects that fill every modern city but they are an attempt to show you what you didn’t see.
The dim palette slowly reveals fugitive colours as though your eyes are becoming accus-tomed to the dark.
The work is perhaps an attempt to harness these decaying and lost things. To show them momentarily in a sort of glamorous light, their moment of glory.
Lee Maelzer - Ruined Banquet
Lee Maelzer - Ruined Banquet
Lee Maelzer - Ruined Banquet
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